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5 members, led by Claire Mendelsohn - updated 4 year(s) ago
For those drawn to using Reiki with companion animal bereavement. When a cherished pet dies people feel racked by grief and loss. The pain can often feel overwhelming, and trigger all sorts of painful and difficult emotions. Some people may not understand the depth of feeling for a pet, leading ...
7 members, led by Kate Jones - updated 10 year(s) ago
Many of us have had experiences of how Reiki can heal. We love to share these stories that demonstrate how helpful Reiki can be. This group is a place to share some of those stories, so that we can inspire each other and show people why we practice this healing art. This group is visible to al...
2 members, led by Kate Jones - updated 11 year(s) ago
Are you planning to go to the Annual Gathering? Do you need a lift or could you offer one? This group is to help those who need a lift by car to connect with those who are driving to the event. Y ou might also like to connect with someone else traveling by public transport so you can share the...
3 members, led by Julie Yarrow - updated 11 year(s) ago
10 members, led by TRA Admin Trawebdev0823 - updated 12 year(s) ago
We were sad to hear that Colin Ryder-Richardson passed away on Friday the 9th November after a short illness. Many of you will have met Colin with his wife Rosemary at our Gatherings. They have always been real pillars of our community and have worked in the circle of service updating details fo...
22 members, led by Dolly Bhaskaran - updated 4 year(s) ago
This group will be sharing the Reiki self healing methods which are used to heal own illness. I like to hear from other Reiki members how they practised Reiki self healing for their well being in day to day life.
4 members, led by Candace Caddick - updated 12 year(s) ago
Just for fun, what have you cooked from the new cookbook? Please keep comments pleasant, and I think if you felt a receipe needed something (such as more salt) it could be expressed as your personal opinion. Each receipe has a fond "mother" who donated it to us.
18 members, led by Caroline Thomas - updated 12 year(s) ago
I have many years of experience of working with rescue animals. I am a teacher for the Shelter Animal Reiki Association and volunteer as a Holistic Therapist for Remus Horse Sanctuary. I have set up a SARA programme there where I educate the staff and public about reiki and mentor my students. T...
18 members, led by TRA Admin Trawebdev0823 - updated 7 year(s) ago
Submit and share comments, and photos if you have any, about the weekend spent with Phyllis and other members of TRA at Uplands House near High Wycombe. Let others know how it was for you, or perhaps offer constructive comments that could help future events, or maybe show appreciation to anyone!
12 members, led by Kate Jones - updated 12 year(s) ago
We have been shocked and saddened by the sudden death of John Nye. This group is for us to share our memories of him and pay tribute to a person who was a great supporter of The Reiki Association.
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Any TRA member can start a Group for almost any purpose, and only TRA members can participate. You can select members to join you, or offer an open invitation on your group entry.
A Group can be created for specific function like organising an event, a trip, raising funds, campaigning, supporting those with a health concern, or to follow a hobby or interest. Or, it can be just an informal collection of members who wish to discuss a subject of mutual interest. We merely provide a structure within which you can create, discuss and share.
The members of the group can be notified automatically by email when something is posted/commented/uploaded within the group. You can upload photos, documents, videos for the group, and you can allow others to do the same.
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You can select others to help run the group, and you can pass its leadership on to someone else, even if you no longer remain in the group. The whole group set up will move to the new leader.
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