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Category: TRA Council

On the agenda at the General Meeting of the Reiki Association this year, on 20th October 2024 at 10.30am, are proposals to update both the Statement of Identity of the Association and the Articles of Association.

Agenda for AGM – commencing 10.30 am BST:

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Council Year Review
  • Finances
  • New Initiatives
  • Statement of Identity incorporating more of the founding objects of the Association - discussion and vote by membership
  • Summary of the proposed changes to the Articles of the Reiki Association
  • The revised Articles of Association - vote by membership
  • Election of new council members
  • Welcome of new council members
  • Close

The proposed documents are available to view below. You will also find some explanations of the proposed amendments.

Reiki Association Statement of Identity proposed GM 20.10.24.pdf

Reiki Association changes to the Articles proposed GM 20.10.24.pdf

Reiki Association Articles of Association proposed GM 20.10.24.pdf

The above documents were approved by Council 4th October 2024 for presentation to the General Meeting on 20th Oct 2024 for discussion and voting by the members; Council recommends a vote to approve.

Note - all proposed new wording is in green. All wording to be removed is in red.

Members are welcome to contact Grainne Warner, our Company Secretary, with any questions before the meeting.

Further details about the General Meeting can be seen HERE

Members can join the meeting at The Charlecote Pheasant Hotel in Charlecote Rd, Charlecote, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV35 9EW, or online using Zoom software, where voting can also take place.

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Category: TRA Council

A General Meeting of the Reiki Association 2024

TRA bamboo fountain

The Council of the Reiki Association give Notice of the Annual Members General Meeting (AGM) of the Reiki Association on Sunday October 20th at 10.30 am BST at the Annual Gathering of the Reiki Association at:

The Charlecote Pheasant Hotel in Charlecote Rd, Charlecote,  Stratford-upon-Avon, CV35 9EW

All members are invited to attend to have their say about the Association so we have a link to for members who are unable to attend in person.

You can join the AGM by using the following Zoom meeting link:
Meeting ID: 829 8269 5236
Passcode: AGM24

Our Association is run by members for members so your input is valuable, and we will be calling for up to 4 new Council members.

Please contact if you would like more information.

Agenda for AGM – 10.30 am BST:

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Council Year Review
  • Finances
  • New Initiatives
  • Statement of Identity incorporating more of the founding objects of the Association - vote by membership
  • Summary of the proposed changes to the Articles of the Reiki Association
  • The revised Articles of Association - vote by membership
  • Election of new council members
  • Welcome of new council members
  • Close

The criteria for standing for council is explained on our website Council page, and when logged in as a member full details are on our Standing for Council page.


We thank you for being a valued member of our Association and are grateful for the opportunity to serve the community. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday October 20th at 10.30 am BST.

With Love and Gratitude

Sheila, Diane, Ahn and Chris

The Council of The Reiki Association

Photos of Council

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Category: TRA Council

Notice of an Annual General Meeting of The Reiki Association

We give notice of the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of The Reiki Association. The meeting will be held on Sunday September 25th, 2022, 1.30pm to 3.30pm. This year the Gathering and the AGM are being held online. So, you will need to register to receive Zoom links to each event. These links are available to logged in members on our Events pages where both are advertised.

  • Agenda for AGM – 1.30 to 3.30 pm
  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Council Year Review
  • Q&A
  • Presentation on new website – Pete Wayne
  • Election of new council members
  • Welcome of new council members
  • Close

The criteria for standing for council is included at the end of this notice. It is also HERE on the TRA website.

We thank you for being a valued member of our Association and are grateful for the opportunity to serve the community. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday September 25th.


With love & gratitude

Diane, Louise, William and Ahn
The Reiki Association Council


Criteria for Standing for Council

To be eligible for the Council individuals must:
-    be over 18 years of age
-    have been initiated into Reiki for a minimum of two years
-    at some point in time been a member of TRA for at least two years
-    agree to abide by and actively support the Statement of Identity of The Reiki Association
-    be initiated into Second Degree
-    have attended a previous gathering
-    be prepared to make a short statement at the General Meeting outlining why they want the role and what they can offer
-    ensure circumstances do not exist which prevent directorship of a limited company

You will need to be able to confidently use IT as emails and online conferencing are a necessary form of communication.  Also have sufficient time to spend on TRA work, attend at least 4 x 3 day meetings a year plus online meetings every week.
Please contact us if you would like to talk further about any aspect of this. We would love to hear from you.



For attending the Gathering you will need to register separately.

The Gathering will be held on the morning of Sunday 25th September at 10.30 a.m.  We will all join in circle to sit in reiki for an hour followed by a group visioning and pooling of ideas to manifest next year’s in person Gathering.  
We feel that people want an in-person Gathering but we need your help and support to make this happen.  We cannot do it alone.  So, let’s start now so that we can make it a weekend to remember. 

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