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The Office Of The Grand Master

Phyllis Lei Furumoto The Office of the Grand Master was founded in 1993 after Phyllis Lei Furumoto, the recognized lineage bearer, and Paul David Mitchell, recognized as Head of Discipline, formed a partnership to maintain the strength of the system brought to them by HawayoTakata.


The purpose of the Office of the Grand Master is to be the still-point for the practice ensuring that the integrity and potential of this simple practice of Reiki be preserved and kept vital in the present and for future generations. The “OGM” offers clear teaching and guidance for understanding the form of the system as well as its universal philosophical foundation.


The OGM offers opportunities for learning the practice, support for deepening the experience of the practice, and large events allowing students to share the energy of community. Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell taught from the basic instruction and wisdom of Hawayo Takata, the circle of masters that she initiated, and their accumulated experience of teaching and their personal practice.


Johannes Reindl Further to Phyllis Furumoto's passing her chosen successor, Johannes Reindl, continues to carry on her inspiring work. Johannes lives in Austria, learned Reiki in 1995 and met Phyllis in Germany in 2001. Eventually he became Phyllis' student and was initiated by her as a master in Japan in 2017.


"The teachings I received from Phyllis Furumoto in my training as a master never included a conversation or a teaching about distant initiation. It was always communicated very clearly that the initiation is the ritual that is practiced by masters in the physical presence of the student. I initiate in person, on four consecutive days for first Degree, one initiation for second Degree, and one initiation for Masters. As her successor,  I honor and hold the practice I received from my master.  I am not changing this and continue to teach classes and initiate students only in their physical presence".



If you would like to be on the OGM mailing list to receive invitations to events with Johannes Reindl and Paul Mitchell please follow this link and complete the form.

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Usui Hayashi

      Mikao Usui                  Chujiro Hayashi

Takata Phyllis

Mrs Hawayo Takata          Phyllis Furumoto

OGM - Johannes Reindl & Paul Mitchell
If you would like to be on the OGM mailing list to receive invitations to events with Johannes and Paul please follow this link and complete the form.